Thursday, April 20, 2017

Plans For The Future? Hmmmm...

I want to live a peaceful life, a balancing life. I know that life always have a problem so, I really want to live a life that when I have a problem, I can handle it without being stressed too much.

For myself. A hope my future self will have a better personality than now. I want to be a sholehah, responsible, smart, caring, kind, and courageous woman.

For my education I want to graduate with GPA min 3.30 (hmm actually I hope more than that), and I wish I can continue my study to get another degree.

For my career, I want to have a job that I like, so it won't feel like a pressure for me working there. I like to learn about financial management (I guess I started to like financial management rather than accounting:'D) so I really hope in the future I will be a successful financial analyst who works at the great company and I'm happy to work in there. And also, I want to be a successful investor. I'm actually want to have a business too, maybe 

I want to travel overseas, but before that I really want to visit all Indonesia's beautiful places first! Indonesia has many beautiful places to visit with a very good scenery, so I really wish to do that.

For my family in the future,  I want to be good mother for my children, a loving and caring mother for them. I want to have a nurturing partner who loves me, I want to get married with a man who can guide me to the right path and bring me closer to Allah, a man who work hard and responsible, and of course a man who loves Allah and his family so much.

I want to have a pet shop and a clinic for pets. I also plan to make a shelter for cats, because I love them so much, I really want them to have a good life :')

Somehow I'm wondering if the 30-year-old me reading this. I hope you have achieve at least three goals you've made now, Dearest Kinanti :D

Mutiara Kinanti

Thursday, April 13, 2017

English Business 2


Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened, and what we wish would happen. In English, most sentences using the conditional contain the word if. Many conditional forms in English are used in sentences that include verbs in one of the past tenses. This usage is referred to as "the unreal past" because we use a past tense but we are not actually referring to something that happened in the past. There are five main ways of constructing conditional sentences in English. In all cases, these sentences are made up of an if clause and a main clause. In many negative conditional sentences, there is an equivalent sentence construction using "unless" instead of "if". 

Conditional sentence type
If clause verb tense
Main clause verb tense
General truths
Simple present
Simple present
Type 1
A possible condition and its probable result
Simple present
Simple future
Type 2
A hypothetical condition and its probable result
Simple past
Present conditional or Present continuous conditional
Type 3
An unreal past condition and its probable result in the past
Past perfect
Perfect conditional
Mixed type
An unreal past condition and its probable result in the present
Past perfect
Present contditional

The zero conditional
The zero conditional is used for when the time being referred to is now or alwaysand the situation is real and possible. The zero conditional is often used to refer to general truths. The tense in both parts of the sentence is the simple present. In zero conditional sentences, the word "if" can usually be replaced by the word "when" without changing the meaning.
If clause
Main clause
If + simple present
   simple present
If this thing happens
   that thing happens.
If you heat ice
    it melts.
If it rains
    the grass gets wet.
Type 1 conditional
The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where thesituation is real. The type 1 conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable result. In these sentences the if clause is in the simple present, and the main clause is in the simple future.
If clause
Main clause
If + simple present
simple future
If this thing happens
that thing will happen.
If you don't hurry
you will miss the train.
If it rains today
you will get wet.
Type 2 conditional
           The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a time that is now or any time, and a situation that is unreal. These sentences are not based on fact. The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a hypothetical condition and its probable result. In type 2 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the simple past, and the main clause uses the present conditional.
If clause
Main clause
If + simple past
present conditional or present continuous conditional
If this thing happened
that thing would happen. (but I'm not sure this thing will happen) OR that thing would be happening.
If you went to bed earlier
you would not be so tired.
If it rained
you would get wet.
If I spoke Italian
I would be working in Italy.
Type 3 conditional
The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is contrary to reality. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. The type 3 conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and its probable past result. In type 3 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the perfect conditional.
If clause
Main clause
If + past perfect
perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional
If this thing had happened
that thing would have happened. (but neither of those things really happened) OR
that thing would have been happening.
If you had studied harder
you would have passed the exam.
If it had rained
you would have gotten wet.
If I had accepted that promotion
I would have been working in Milan.

Source :

Mutiara Kinanti

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bogor Botanical Garden One Day Trip!

Hello guys! This is the first time I write about my experience in my blog. Actually this is my english task and I have to do it, but I also love to share my story too. Happy reading! :D

It was still the semester break, the first day of September 2016, me and my friends planned to visit Bogor Botanical Garden. They are my classmates; Meli, Anjar, Alan, and Radit.

At first we promised to gather at Pondok Cina Station at 09.30 a.m., but at the end we all gathered at 11.00 a.m (you all know Indonesian right? :p), after we all gathered (the four of us, because Radit’s home is in Bogor he waited us there) we left Pondok Cina Station and we arrived at Bogor Station around 12.00 p.m. After we arrived at Bogor Station, we straightly went to Bogor Botanical Garden by angkot. We arrived there around 12.30 p.m. and Radit already waited for us there.

We had lunch first, across the Bogor Botanical Garden at Mie Ayam Restaurant. We all ordered Mie Ayam Baso, and sweet ice tea for the drink. After our tummy had already full, we walked again to Bogor Botanical Garden to buy the ticket to enter the garden.

Our first shoot :D

Then we took the photo at the (well I didn’t know what this place was called).

And then we walked to the musholla to pray, it was a very very very hot sunny day :’’’ Meli and me, we put on our lipstick first (hahaha that’s what’s girls do, right?) so we won’t looked so pale when we were taking photos :p. And I still remember how Anjar Alan and Radit curious about the shades of lipsticks. Hmm, boys.....

We still walked around and we were tired :’ so we sat at the chair provided there. But we never forgot to take some pictures :D
Hello from us!

After we took some pictures there, we were curious about the gate, the red hanging gate which had been talked by many people. It called Jembatan cinta lol. Honestly, i was really scared because that hanging gate cannot hold more than 10 people (if I’m not mistaken) and there were some visitors beside us, they also wanted to take some photos. So we waited for them, because that thing was keep swaying :’D. But we never forgot to take pictures at that swaying-hanging-gate of course! :p

This is Alan
This is Anjar

After we visited the red-hanging-creepy-gate, we finally found the perfect place to take some nice pictures :D yes it was a green green grass! (again, I didn’t know what’s the name of the place), there were some people there, a group who celebrated their friend’s birthday, elementary school students who were in school picnic (maybe?), and 3 girls who took pictures together.

Left to right : Meli, Anjar, Me, Alan, and in the center was Radit :D

Our first pict at the green green grass :p we were sitting at that photo, Meli put the camera and we use the timer because at first we were too shy to asked a person for taking us some pictures, but later we ask someone (yeah I’ll get to that part later).

After that, I asked Meli to take a picture of me while sitting in the green grass (yes, took a picture when you were sitting will not make you look fat) so I asked her :D and we still took some pictures together one by one (really this green grass thing was the best place to take a pictures than everywhere in the garden) and finally we asked someone to take our pictures together......

Aaaand it was a blur :’) (well, there were many pictures that blurred because the tempered glass of the camera was too dark but it’s okay :)) ) because we asked an elementary student to take the pictures of five of us together while he was playing football. 

Nevermind kiddo, thankyouuu :D
After we took some pictures (again) at the green green grass, we finally decided to go home because it was already cloudy there. We walked out the garden and I bought some Tales Bogor because my mum asked for it :’ that thing was heavy to carry :(.

We went back to Bogor Station by angkot, and when we arrived there, it was starting to rain there :’ so we went to musholla first in the station, and Alhamdulillah after we pray Ashar, the rain stopped :D.

Finally we got in to the train and fortunately, we got the seat :D it was a tiring day but it was worth it! We laughed a lot there, had good time, and of course got some pictures together! But at the end of the day, in the train, there were something funny. First, Anjar slept at the train and the position was very funny :’) and second, Alan was tired too he forgot that we should get off at the Pondok Cina Station, he thought that Depok Baru Station is Pondok Cina Station, he lost his focus :’) hahaha I know if I tell you right know it might be not funny, but that time it was :)).

Finally we arrived at the Pondok Cina Station, Alan went home by his motorcycle, Anjar took an angkot with me and Meli, because I wanted to go to Meli’s boarding house. It was raining again, we waited for 30 minutes and then I went home with Meli by her motorcycle. Finally, I arrived home and feel so happy that day :D.

P.S : I'm sorry for the grammar alert (or something) in this post because I'm still learning :D

Mutiara Kinanti

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

English Business 2


The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described.

Example :

1) Danny ate the lasagna.
Danny is the subject of the sentence.

2) The leader of the class 3EB10 arrived at 7.30 a.m.
The leader of the class 3EB10 is the subject of the sentence.

3) My cat is sleeping under the table.
My cat is the subject of the sentence.


A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. A verb is a "doing" word. A verb can express:

a) A physical action (e.g., to swim, to write, to climb).
b) A mental action (e.g., to think, to guess, to consider).
c) A state of being (e.g., to be, to exist, to appear).

Example :

1) The baby is crying.
Crying is the verb of the sentence.

2) His mother went to the mall yesterday.
Went is the verb of the sentence.

3) Donald thought he was the winner of the competition.
Thought is the verb of the sentence.


Complement is the term used for a word (or words) which are needed to complete the meaning of an expression.
Most phrases and clauses will include a complement of some kind. If you can't remove it from your sentence, then it's likely to be a complement. This is how complements differ from adjuncts. Adjuncts are optional as they are usually just descriptive. Complements are not optional. They are essential to 
ensure understanding.

Example :

1) Winnie is pretty.
Pretty is the complement of the sentence.

2) Her father arrived at 7.30 p.m.
At 7.30 p.m is the complement of the sentence.

3) Daisy met her nephew at Ciputra Mall.
At Ciputra Mall is the complement of the sentence.

Source :

Mutiara Kinanti

Saturday, January 28, 2017

English Business 1


Name              : Daisy Duck
Address           : Kelapa Street No. 14 Depok
Tel. No            : 0833-1111-111
Date of Birth   : 31th December 1992
Nationality      : Indonesian
Gender            : Female
Marital Status : Single
E-mail             :

September 2014         : Bachelor Degree of Economic at Universitas Depok
                                      Major                         : Accounting
                                      GPA                           : 3, 50
2010                            : Finished Senior High School (SMA N 2 Depok)
2007                            : Finished Junior High School (SMP N 2 Depok)
2004                            : Finished Primary School (SD N 2 Depok)

Microsoft Office
Zahir Accounting
Internet Literacy
Corel Draw
Active English with TOEFL ITP Score : 555

2015                            : Junior Auditor at Jujur Accounting Firm
2013                            : Internship at PT. Jaya Berjaya as Accounting Staff
2012                            : Internship at PT. Maju Bersama as Marketing Staff

Honest, Loyal, Hardworking, Responsible, Discipline, and Communicative.


Minnie Mickey
Hiring Manager
Suksesjob Ltd
120 Margonda Street

29th January 2017
Dear Ms. Mickey
In response to the recent advertised position to the website, please consider my resume in your search for a professional finance analyst.
You mentioned in your advert the need for candidates to have an ability to analyze large amount of financial data and to provide detailed analysis and planning of new investment. I feel that with my three years experience in finance  position, I have all these qualities and much more. You will see from my enclosed CV that I match your requirements precisely.
I see your vacancy as a unique opportunity to work in a high-class finance department. I jump at the opportunity to gain experience with one of the most recognisable industry names in the world, and i look forward to playing an important role in helping you to deliver the changes required to achieve your ambitions.
In summary, I am able to offer you company great enthusiasm, passion, and strong capabilities for advancement in the finance consulting. I thank you in advance for considering my application.

Yours Sincerely

Daisy Duck
Kelapa Street No. 14
T : 0833-1111-111